2. I LOVED Amy Grant and Margaret Becker and would take my walkman with me to the bath so I could sing every word at the top of my lungs - even when I lived in the dorms at the University of New Mexico.
3. I had to learn every instrument in college for my music degree. I was so embarrassed at my violin playing, I refused to practice in my practice room where my music-friends could hear. Instead, I practiced in my dorm room until a neighbor knocked on my door and asked me to please stop that awful noise!
4. When I first met Mark, I thought he was a dork. Then, I thought he was so sweet... he gave me his last piece of gum, "Oh, I can't take your last piece!" to which he responded, "Oh, I don't even like gum, I just buy it to meet girls."...................
5. After a choir concert, Mark and I stayed up talking about God and deep spiritual things until 3 in the morning. I knew he was the man for me! We started dating and were engaged 6 months later, for FOUR AND A HALF YEARS!!! (waiting to finish school and waiting on God)
6. We've been married 19 years this May!
7. I love being efficient! I loved the book "Cheaper By the Dozen" because the dad made his living as an efficiency expert!!! I finally understood my little oddities :)
8. I LOVE books, even though I'm a slow reader. And I don't like fiction at all!! What a waste of time!
9. I still cry during 'Little House on the Prairie'.
10. My favorite TV shows as a teenager were 'Love Boat' and 'Fantasy Island'. I don't watch TV at all now.
11. I have 20 completed 12x12 scrapbooks.
12. Now, I home school my two favorite girls in the whole world.
13. I LOVE LOVE LOVE lattes! Anytime of day, but especially after dinner :)
14. I always wanted to be a mommy and a church pianist - now I'm both :)
15. I love pretty things!! flowers, doilies, pictures, music, magazines like Southern Living, stores like Tuesday Morning, baskets, dishes, linens, fancy desserts, crafty stuff...
16. My maiden name is Hogg (like a pig, oink, oink) and my grandmother's maiden name is Slaughter! She shoulda hyphenated!!!
17. I have NEVER spent a Christmas without my entire family (parents, siblings & their families) until my sister died in 2006. I LOVE my family!!!
18. I am SO affected by movies, I think they are memories of my own life. So, no scary shows for me - Mark is my movie screener! The best part is, after about 3 years, I forget the ending and can watch them again!!
19. Mark lost his job in 2003 and went 22 months without a steady paycheck. It was the best thing that ever happened to us! God brought us to missions!!! In fact, Mark and I got MARRIED TO MISSIONS - we all wear fish rings as a symbol of that marriage. Even our girls wear them - since they told us they are married to missions too :)
20. Our family has been on 11 mission trips since then including Mexico, China, and Mongolia. I've been on 13 and Mark's been on 17. If you count prison, then I've been on 18!
21. I hate getting my hands wet, so Mark usually does the dishes for me - I put up the clean ones!
22. My purse got stolen last year and my palm pilot and cell phone were in it. Now, I have a TREO which I LOVE and I am secretly happy I had to buy it!!
23. I love my QuickVerse application on my Treo and especially the New Living Translation of the Bible which I enjoy reading in bed with all the lights out!
24. I LOVE lists!!!
25. I made a list of my 25 random things on stickies before I finally wrote them on facebook :)